Archangel Uriel and Aurora, archangels of judgment and peace, have a retreat over the Tatra Mountains in Poland. Here legions of Peace minister to mankind, binding and judging fallen angels and engines of war. They defend the emerging Christ consciousness in man and in nature. Archangel Uriel invites us to come to his retreat to increase the flame of peace in our nature for renewed balance and equanimity in challenging situations.

Call to attend the retreat of Archangel Uriel and Aurora

    In the name of the Christ, My Own Real Self, I call to the Heart of my Mighty I AM Presence, to the Angel of the Presence, to Beloved Archangel Michael, Kuan Yin and the Maha Chohan, to take me to the etheric retreat of Beloved Archangel Uriel and Aurora over the Tatra Mountains south of Crakow, Poland, according to the will of my Holy Christ Self and the direction of the Maha Chohan. I ask to be taught how to manifest peace within my heart and solar plexus chakra, especially in difficult situations, so that I can minister to life.

     (personal prayer)

     Beloved Archangel Uriel, help me to remember upon awakening all that will help me to fulfill my mission on earth and the mission of my twin flame. I accept this call manifested through the power of the Christ and am thankful for its realization. In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Divine Mother, Amen.